Welcome to the international student network of Jinzhong University


Position:首页 > English > CONTACT


1. Tel: 0086-351-3985502

2. Fax: 0086-351-3985604

3. E-mail: fjj@jzxy.edu.cn ; lwh@jzxy.edu.cn ;

4. Address:

        Foreign Affairs Office Jinzhong University

   199Wenhua St.,Jinzhong city, Shanxi, 030619, China

5. Official of Foreign Affairs Office: Fan Jingjing

Contact us
phone: 0351-3985502/3985503
Fax number: 0351-3985604
Mailbox: jzxyfao@163.com
Home: http://www.jzxy.edu.cn/
Zip code: 030619
Address: No. 199, Wenhua Street, Yuci District, Jinzhong, Shanxi
Copyright: Foreign Affairs Department of Jinzhong University 2017-2020